Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Presentation Should Be Organized With The Following
The presentation should be organized with the following: A. Description of disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is what occurs after an individual suffers a loss or traumatizing event and tends to develop gradually, over the course of 3 to 12 months before displaying symptoms that impair daily living. Symptoms include hypervigilance, avoidance of anything that can remind one of the event, aggression, reactivity, dissociation, and a negative loop of emotions and thoughts that makes the individual believe that they are bad, at fault, or blameworthy. Anxious and fear based manifistations are common but in PTSD a defining aspect is the inability to feel positive emotion, a distressing state of uneasiness, aggressive hyperreactivity, and†¦show more content†¦Hypervigilance, avoidance, depression, social withdrawal, high risk for substance abuse, nightmares, isolation, intrusive thoughts, catatonia, panic attacks, amnesia, detachment, irritability, recklessness, inability to concentrate, depersonalization derealization 4. How is the disorder diagnosed? By a p sychiatrist or psychologist, any individual trained and educated in the disorders of the mind. In order to be properly diagnosed one must exhibit the following symptoms according to the Current Medical Diagnosis Treatment 2015: â€Å" Exposure to a traumatic, life-threatening event. Symptoms, such as flashbacks, intrusive images, and nightmares, often represent reexperiencing the event. Avoidance symptoms, including numbing, social withdrawal, and avoidance of stimuli associated with the event. Increased vigilance, such as startle reactions and difficulty falling asleep. Symptoms impair functioning.†Excerpt From: Papadakis, Maxine. â€Å"Current Medical Diagnosis Treatment 2015, Fifty-Fourth Edition.†iBooks. 5. What are the causes – biological, social, and psychological – that have been linked to this disorder? From the biological model, an anatomical reason as to why West is suffering is due to the overactive and inappropriate response to his emotions by the reaction of the central nervous system. His mother and near death experiences causes a cascade of hormonal releases of theShow MoreRelatedCS669 Assignment21108 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ The two parts in this assignment will contribute equally to your grade and will be evaluated separately. Part 1: Authors and Books Review the following business rules regarding authors and books to complete this part. 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